MA false claim recoveries; treble damages in certain cases; qui tam [whistleblower] provisions; AG duties [Sec. 635, 1629m, 2902, 2904, 3751, 3753-3756, 3775, 9329 (2)]  -  Act 20
Musical performance: advertising or conducting using a false connection between the performing group and recording group prohibited; AG and DA enforcement authority  -  Act 15
Trigger lead information re consumer reports: state law restrictions on dissemination and use of; DATCP, AG, DOJ, DA, civil action, and penalty provisions -  Act 76
atv _all_terrain vehicle_ATV (All-terrain vehicle), see Recreation vehicle
Auction sale of sealed bottles or containers of wine, intoxicating liquor, or fermented malt beverage to raise money for a charitable organization: exception to alcohol beverage licensing requirement created -  Act 216
automated teller machine _atm_Automated teller machine (ATM), see Financial institution
aviationAviation, see also Airport
Aircraft OWI and prohibited alcohol concentration penalties made the same as motor vehicle penalties; minor passenger, operating in a reckless manner, and alcohol and other drug assessment and treatment provisions [Sec. 814m, 1819m, 2665g-r, 3315k, s] -  Act 20
U.W. Med Flight crew who lost their lives in a helicopter crash near La Crosse honored and condolences to the families [Ap8 SJR-2] -  JR-55
b - B -
Branches of state banks or out-of-state banks located within certain radius of bank affiliate engaged in commercial activities prohibited -  Act 112
banking, division ofBanking, Division of
Branches of state banks or out-of-state banks located within certain radius of bank affiliate engaged in commercial activities prohibited -  Act 112
``Loan" definition modified for mortgage banker, mortgage broker, and loan originator purposes -  Act 211
Pulp and paper mill that emerged from bankruptcy in Wisconsin: renewable energy grant required, criteria set [Sec. 198, 199j, 9108 (4v), (5x)] [198, 9108 (5x) — partial veto]  -  Act 20
barron countyBarron County
Circuit court branches added in Barron, Chippewa, Dodge, Green, Monroe, and St. Croix counties; State Law Library provision -  Act 28
basham, robert jBasham, Robert J.
Life and military service commended [SJR-63] -  JR-34
bayfield countyBayfield County
Arts Board one-time grants for Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua, Ko Thi Dance Company, and African American Children's Theater [Sec. 221m, p, 9104 (1j), 9404 (1j)]  -  Act 20
Vehicle or vehicle combination operating under a Michigan border permit: allowing transport of wood chips or forestry biomass and operation on certain portion of USH 2 in Bayfield County -  Act 16
bean, darrenBean, Darren
U.W. Med Flight crew who lost their lives in a helicopter crash near La Crosse honored and condolences to the families [Ap8 SJR-2] -  JR-55
bear hunting or pursuitBear hunting or pursuit, see Game — Hunting
bed and breakfastBed and breakfast, see Hotel and motel
belmont, village ofBelmont, Village of, see Lafayette County
beloit, city ofBeloit, City of
Beloit development opportunity zone program extended [Sec. 3635, 3636] -  Act 20
Henry, Hugo Harrison: life and public service to the City of Beloit community commended [Mr8 SJR-1]  -  JR-51
TID revisions: DOR calculations modified re TID number 4 in Village of Union Grove; exception to minimum allowable amount of certain values re TID in City of Beloit  -  Act 21
benevolent associationBenevolent association
Low-income housing: property tax exemption created; definition and report provisions; exemption applies if property is leased and income is used for specified purposes; acreage limitation for certain exempt property increased [partial veto] -  Act 226
Bicycle and pedestrian facilities program grants and conditions; surface transportation discretionary grants program repealed [Sec. 307c-i, 2540c, 2550e] -  Act 20
Burke, Richard ``Dick": life and commitment to his company, Trek Bicycles, and community commended [Mr8 SJR-2]  -  JR-52
Green Bay, City of: Stewardship 2000 Program funding for a bicycle and pedestrian trail [Sec. 658r]  -  Act 20
Safe routes to school program created [Sec. 308, 309, 2541] -  Act 20
West Allis Crosstown Bike Trail: grant from the congestion mitigation and air quality improvement program, local match required [Sec. 9148 (9c)] -  Act 20
big brothers big sistersBig Brothers Big Sisters, see Youth
biodiesel fuelBiodiesel fuel, see Fuel
birdBird, see also Game bird
International Crane Foundation funding re sandhill crop depredation project [Sec. 192e, g, 9103 (2c), 9403 (2c)]  -  Act 20
birth certificateBirth certificate, see Vital statistics
Emergency contraception for sexual assault victims: hospital requirements specified; definition provisions  -  Act 102
Family planning demonstration project: eligibility revised [Sec. 1549m, 9421 (4)] -  Act 20
bixler, evanBixler, Evan
Life and military service commended [SJR-18] -  JR-3
black americanBlack American, see Minority groups
blind and visually impairedBlind and visually impaired
Driver's license cancelled due to license holder's eyesight may be used as an ID card until expiration, conditions specified [Sec. 3352r, t, 3365m] -  Act 20
Newsline for the Blind: money appropriated for DPI from the universal service fund [Sec. 248] -  Act 20
blood donationBlood donation, see Public health
blue bookBlue Book
State tartan designated; Blue Book provision -  Act 217
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Invasive fish species or eggs: possessing, releasing, controlling, storing, selling, or transporting prohibited; transporting a boat, boat trailer, or boating equipment on a highway with invasive species on or in it prohibited; exceptions provided  -  Act 226
Marina condominium: riparian rights, easement, boat slips and docking facilities, and definition provisions [Sec. 717g, r, 3703g, r] -  Act 20
Mirror Lake: Stewardship 2000 Program funding to improve navigability for recreational boating [Sec. 658]  -  Act 20
Navigable waters regulation revisions re permit exemption for certain piers and wharves, boat slips, exemption for certain existing structures, repair and maintenance, solid piers, and funding; DNR prohibited from certain enforcement  -  Act 204
Safety programs for boating, snowmobile, and ATV operation: fees for duplicate certificates authorized [Sec. 280, 665, 726, 3437] -  Act 20
Stewardship 2000 program reauthorized; provisions re 10 year extension, annual bonding authority, land acquisition subprogram, property development and local assistance subprogram, and recreational boating aids subprogram [Sec. 584b, 636b-638b, 638r-646m, 647, 647m, 648b-656b, 659, 718b, 719b] -  Act 20
boat _ taxation or registrationBoat — Taxation or registration
Boating fee increases [Sec. 720-725] -  Act 20
bobcatBobcat, see Animal
bolle, dale jBolle, Dale J.
Life and public service [AJR-86] -  JR-23
bondsBonds, see also Debt, Public
Bond Health Center project in City of Oconto: grant for expansion [Sec. 9nf, 583, 9105 (7j)] -  Act 20
Civil War exhibit at the Kenosha Public Museums: bonding authorized; DOA duties [Sec. 9nx, 583, 596k, 606h, 9105 (1)(n), (6i)] -  Act 20
Educational technology infrastructure loans: excess bonding reduced re program sunset [Sec. 596nd, np]  -  Act 20
General obligation debt and operating notes: prior law authorizing agreements or ancillary agreements modified; report required [for section numbers, see entry under ``Debt, Public"] -  Act 20
Lower Fox River Remediation Authority created; duties defined [for section numbers, see entry under ``Lower Fox River Remediation Authority"] -  Act 20
Tobacco settlement permanent endowment fund revisions; MA trust fund, MA and Badger Care Plus benefits, appropriation obligation bonds, and DOA provisions [partial veto]  -  Act 226
bonds _ countyBonds — County, see also Milwaukee County